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Depositing To Roobet Using Cryptocurrency
Depositing To Roobet Using Cryptocurrency

Details regarding which deposit methods are accepted and how to depo crypto

Harrison avatar
Written by Harrison
Updated over 12 months ago

Here at Roobet we accept fiat currency and crypto as deposit methods, supporting Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), Tron (TRX) and Ripple (XRP) as crypto deposit methods.

The good news is, crypto is as easy to get started with as ever and is often times more convenient than using fiat currency! There are many exchanges/apps which allow instant purchase of BTC/ETH/LTC/USDT/USDC/XRP with credit cards or bank account. We recommend Exodus, Coinbase, or Blockchain, however there are many other exchanges/wallets that will also work. Additionally, it is now possible to purchase crypto directly from Roobet, through the "Buy Crypto" tab on the deposit page here. For more information on how this works, we recommend checking out our Help Center guide here. If you are interested in making a deposit to Roobet using cryptocurrency, the following is how you can go about doing so:

  1. Make an account on a crypto marketplace like Coinbase, Blockchain, or one of the others listed above.

  2. Purchase BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, USDC, TRX or XRP using your newly created account on the marketplace you chose and you should receive your crypto soon.

  3. Click "withdraw" or "send" on the crypto marketplace you chose and copy your deposit address which you can find here.

  4. Input your deposit address into the send field of your newly created wallet, select the amount you would like to deposit. Hit send.

  5. After it being sent the crypto should be in your account after the required confirmations have hit (1 confirmation for BTC/XRP , and 3 confirmations for ETH/LTC/USDT/USDC).

  6. You can track your deposit by entering the transaction hash or txid of your deposit into one of these explorers: Blockchain Explorer (For BTC transactions), Etherscan (For ETH/USDT/USDC transactions), Blockchair (For LTC transactions), Tronscan (For TRX transactions) or XRPScan (for XRP transactions) and selecting search.

Here is a short video on how to deposit to Roobet through Coinbase:

Confirmations on deposits are automatically processed by the Blockchain. Due to the nature of the Blockchain there is no way for us to provide an estimate regarding how long the confirmations will take, and there is nothing to do to speed that process up.

Please note that Roobet only accepts BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, USDC, TRX and XRP deposits at this time. Sending any other cryptocurrency or tokens will result in that cryptocurrency being lost and your account not being credited.

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