All 8 digit reference numbers from Interac will start with the letters "CA", followed by 6 case-sensitive letters and numbers.
Example: CA123aBc
Depending on your bank, the reference number can be found differently. It’s usually in the email you receive after making the depo transfer, as per the example below:
If this has not been provided via Interac email or Online Banking confirmation, Reference Numbers must be recovered through the sending bank’s Online Banking & Technical Support department in charge of Interac Investigations; this may also be referred to by some financial institutions as the “Acxsys Payment Reference Number”.
For some banks:
RBC: Confirmations are sent via RBC’s WEBSITE version of Online Banking, via the Customer Service Message/Alert Centre; if the Reference is not listed, they must contact RBC through “Send a Secure Message” on the Message Centre and ask for all e-Transfer information including the “Acxsys Payment Reference #"
Additional ways to potentially find this information:
Log into Online Banking
Click on “Message/Alerts”
Click on “Send a Secure Message”
Choose to send the message to “RBC Royal Bank”
Write out message that you are requesting all e-transfer information including specifically the “Access Payment Reference #”